Updates will be sent to those who pre-register accounts and can be found at www.girlscomputingleague.org/stemselector/
Right now, you can click here to fill out a form to pre-register your account on the GCL website. Don’t worry, there’s no commitment or fees required. Although we have not yet launched STEMSelector for public use, we have an internal team actively working hard to manually partner organizations in need in the meantime.
Currently, there is no other system that connects STEM education nonprofits to schools. While many applications are being developed to help connect students to student tutors and supplemental materials, those programs can only reach the students with technology access, computer literacy skills, and an interest in finding them. Making these programs only accessible to already better off students. STEMSelector doesn’t have this problem. Our target audience is schools or other organizations that serve students, not the students themselves.
Yes! STEMSelector was designed to serve a wide variety of audiences, not just schools. We support two different kinds of users: organizations looking for STEM education resources (schools, libraries, child care programs, community centers, public housing authorities, and more) and people looking to provide STEM resources (student tutor groups, volunteers, corporations looking to donate, educational content creators, and more). If your organization works with kids or wants to help kids, we have a place for you.
Something STEMSelector does differently than other digital marketplaces is we only work with organizations. Individuals are not able to create accounts to list their personal services. Once we approve a group/non-profit/etc, they can create profiles for all of the tutors and workshops they provide. We know these are safe because we only approve groups that have a high quality selection process. If you want to see for yourself, visit an individual’s profile to view who they work with and how that organization vets their volunteers.